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Dixie Bell Red Barn Beauty


I decided to LEAP out of my comfort zone and use Dixie Belle Paint Co Barn Red paint on this project. I’ve never painted a piece of furniture red before, so this was going to be a new experience for me. For some reason, this piece just kept screaming at me “Paint Me Red”. So that is exactly what I decided to do. I have a step by step tutorial video link below, if you are visual learner and would rather watch the entire process jump right to the link and watch as many times as you like.

I starts off by cleaning this piece with Dixie Belle’s White Lightning cleaner (I premix mine and put it into a spray bottle for quick access). After cleaning, I prepped it with the BOSS in clear (that’s my favorite!!) It goes on white and then dries clear, so it works with any color paint you plan on using. It blocks orders, stains and bleed through…YEAH! I let that dry until it was all “clear” and not visible anymore before painting. If you are painting a piece that has a lot of red tones in the wood, then put on a 2nd coat of the primary just to be safe. (Better to prep properly…save you from having to correct mishaps later in the project).

I then paintes 2 coats of the Barn Red (which I have to admit…its 2 beautiful rich color) After the paint is completely dry, I put 1 coat of Dixie Belle’s Top Coat in Satin, because I knew I was going to be playing with their No Pain Gel Stain.

I applied the No Pain Gel Stain on the top (lid) of the chest using a sock (with a rubber glove under it to prevent staining my fingers). The sock gave me more control than using a brush and the stain went on smooth as butter!!

Then I wanted to get a little “artsy” with the front. The square piece looked like a picture frame that needed hold some type of art…so I decided to create a little art piece with the No Pain Gel Stain. I taped off my design and used gel stain bring my vision to life. By using the gel stain in each triangle and then wiping if off (for a lighter look) in every other section, it gave the design dimensions.

I removed the painter’s tape before it was completely dry and I was done. YIPPIE!!

Here is the link to the tutorial for you to watch the entire process from start to finish Click here for the VIDEO TUTORIAL LINK



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