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Easy Paint Pour Look without the Mess


Do want to do a paint pour look on your furniture or home decor items, but don’t want the mess of having to tip and spin your piece, then this is the tutorial for you.   I will also include a full video tutorial for you as well, if you prefer to watch as well as read the steps.   I am using all Dixie Belle Chalk Mineral Paints for this project and water….that’s all you need.    You will see blue text in the product list, those are links to each product so that you can locate the products easily if you are wanting to purchase them.  I do get a thank you credit for purchases made through those texts links, but it doesn’t cost you anymore…. it just helps with providing you with free tutorials.   Your support is greatly appreciated.

Before Picture:

After Pictures:

Products Used:

Step 1:  I applied a thin coat of each color I will be using as a base coat, so that my furniture piece surface does not show through any part of the paint pour look.    Its also a way to map out your colors before you begin the process.   One thin coat of color is all you need and then let it dry.   (Before painting, I did clean my piece really well with White Lightening and then rinsed with a clean wet rag.  Then I applied 2 coats of Slick Stick, which is a bonding primer because this piece is not wood.  Its a shiny MDF cheap desk).

Step 2:  Using a popsicle stick (or you can use a spoon or brush), I drizzled and dabbed on my colors randomly and being generous with it so that it will be able to move when I spray it with water.

Step 3:  Spray your paint with a generous amount of water (enough that you can see some water pooling up in spots).   Then take your popsicle stick or spoon and swipe those colors together causing swirls and beautiful movement of colors.

Step 4:  To add a bit of shimmer and shine, drizzle a metallic paint (I used Dixie Belle’s Gold Digger Moonshine Metallic) …. but you can use mica powders too.

Step 5:  Tip your piece to allow the excess water to run off .  You won’t have much run off but it does help with speeding up the dry time.

Step 6:  Since we didn’t do a full paint pour technique, our paints will dry quicker than the normal paint pour.  My piece was dry by the next morning.  I then waited 24 hours and sealed with Dixie Belle’s clear coat in Satin.

Thanks for stopping by my website 🙂  I hope you give this technique a try.   Love and hugs…. I hope you have a fabulous day !!   Aj from Ajs Vintage Designs


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