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Rustic Farmhouse Pumpkins – Easy Fall Craft Project using Dixie Belle Paint & Patina Spray!


Updated: Sep 14, 2022

Did you know that Dixie Belle’s Amber Gemstone Mousse reacts to their Patina Sprays? I put together a fun project for Fall Decor using them to make these rustic farmhouse pumpkins, along with a step-by-step guide + a full video to follow along with.

You will see bold colored text in the product list, those are links to each product so that you can locate the products easily if you are wanting to purchase them.

Supplies for this Project:

Step #1: Prep the Pumpkin for Painting

First, you’ll need to clean the pumpkin with a TSB-based cleaner to remove any dirt or oils.

I use Dixie Belle’s White Lightning in a spray bottle & with a paper towel to wipe it off.

Then, be sure to rinse off your cleaner with water & a rag to remove any cleaning residue.

Step #2 : Paint the Pumpkin with Chalk Mineral Paint.

I used “Pure Ocean” & “Fluff”, but you can use any color Dixie Belle Chalk Mineral Paint as a Base Color.

Let the paint dry for 24 hours before moving on to the next step.

Painting it first is necessary, otherwise the Amber Mousse will slide off the plastic after you spray it.

In the video, I applied the Mousse directly to the pumpkin, and didn’t let it completely dry before using Patina Spray.

By adding the wet spray to the wet mousse, it slid off the plastic.

It still looks pretty, but wasn’t the intended results. See below what happens:

Step #3: Paint the Amber Mousse onto the Pumpkin

Be sure to stir the mousse before you use it. I’m using a craft brush to paint, but you can also use a chip brush.

Start painting from the stem outward, leaving the wispy jagged edges over the sides.

Step #4: Patina Spray

While the mousse is still wet, it’s time to use the Patina Spray.

The patina spray comes in both Blue & Green.

It only takes about 30 minutes to start reacting with the Mousse & creating that gorgeous faux metal effect.

Side Note: The Gold Mousse DOES react with the patina spray, but not as much as Amber.

I start out with the Green Patina Spray, focusing on the upper portion only, letting the patina drip down.

TIP: If there’s any drips on the sides that you don’t want, you can easily clean them off with a baby wipe.

Next, I dribble some of the Blue Patina over top, then wait for the magic to happen.

Once dried, you can seal the finish with a Spray Sealer like Krylon or Rustoleum.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and you’re inspired to put a little patina in your life.  I’d love for you to post your pictures if you try it! 

You can click on the links to see all the products I used for this project below.

Make sure to follow me on all my social media platforms. I’m always sharing Free Painting Tutorials and Videos, plus easy tips and tricks for painting furniture!

Supplies for this Project:



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